clear all; close all; format compact; clear classes;
Warning: Objects of 'onCleanup' class exist. Cannot clear this class or any of
its superclasses.
ndim=2; dir='hom2d'; p=[]; nx=40;
Du=0.01; Dv=0.1; Dw=1; c=1; d=1; a=0.95; b=2.75; lx=pi/2;
par=[a b c d Du Dv Dw];
p=bruinit(p,lx,nx,par,ndim); p=setfn(p,dir); p.sol.ds=0.01; p.sol.dsmax=0.01;
p.sw.bifcheck=2; p.sol.ds=0.025;; p.sw.spcalc=0;;;;; p0=p;
first res=4.44089e-16
Problem directory name: hom2d
init omv (guesses for imags of Eval-crossing)
p=p0; p=initwn(p,1,2); p=initeig(p,4);[3, 3];
setting om(2)=0.9375
step lambda y-axis residual iter meth ds
0 got first point with lam=2.75, res=4.44089e-16
- now lam=2.7525
1 got second point with lam=2.7525, res=4.022e-16
2 2.77387 2.91986 3.88e-15 0 nat 0.02500
3 2.79523 2.94235 6.31e-12 0 nat 0.02500
4 2.81660 2.96484 8.94e-12 0 nat 0.02500
- 1 possible bif between 2.8166 and 2.83797, om=0.9375
mu_r=2.55873e-07, mu_i=1.05961
5 2.81782e+00 (HP, saved to hom2d/hpt1.mat) bisection steps 15, last ds 3.8147e-07
- also saved to hom2d/pt5.mat
6 2.83797 2.98733 7.74e-12 0 nat 0.02500
- 1 possible bif between 2.83797 and 2.85933, om=0.9375
mu_r=0.00585037, mu_i=0.925839 - no convergence
7 2.85933 3.00983 8.37e-12 0 nat 0.02500
- 1 possible bif between 2.85933 and 2.8807, om=0.9375
mu_r=-0.00453233, mu_i=0.926111
8 2.85934e+00 (HP, saved to hom2d/hpt2.mat) bisection steps 15, last ds -3.8147e-07
9 2.88070 3.03232 7.20e-12 0 nat 0.02500
10 2.90207 3.05481 1.09e-11 0 nat 0.02500
Bif from HPs, h1
para=4; ds=0.1; dsmax=0.5; aux=[];;
p=hoswibra('hom2d','hpt1',ds,para,'2dh1',aux);; p.fuha.blss=@mbel; p.hopf.ilss=0; p.hopf.xi=1e-2;; p.sw.verb=2; tic; p=cont(p,10); toc
Problem directory name: 2dh1
real(mu)=2.55873e-07, imag(mu)=1.05961
lam=2.81782, om=1.05961, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=19.8728
arc.parametr, lambda-guess=2.81791
max|y-u0|=0.670331, res=0.00684696
step lambda y-axis res iter ds T nT
1 2.81790 2.98415 1.675e-09 5 0.10000 6.13285 11 0.00018 0.00088
2 2.81896 3.03657 6.780e-09 2 0.20000 6.13306 11 0.00160 0.00790
3 2.82109 3.08652 1.257e-11 2 0.40000 6.13349 11 0.00271 0.01331
4 2.82863 3.18556 3.821e-10 2 0.40000 6.13504 11 0.00494 0.02383
5 2.84036 3.28512 1.605e-09 2 0.40000 6.13751 11 0.00715 0.03357
6 2.85613 3.38542 6.313e-09 2 0.40000 6.14092 11 0.00932 0.04243
7 2.87564 3.48562 8.660e-15 3 0.40000 6.14527 11 0.01138 0.05027
8 2.89845 3.58482 5.351e-14 3 0.40000 6.15050 11 0.01325 0.05706
9 2.92402 3.68223 4.943e-14 3 0.40000 6.15647 11 0.01480 0.06282
10 2.95179 3.77730 7.232e-14 3 0.40000 6.16298 11 0.01591 0.06764
Elapsed time is 106.680013 seconds.
Bif from BPs
p=swibra('hom2d','bpt1','2ds1',0.01); p.sw.spcalc=1;
p.sol.dsmax=0.1;; p=pmcont(p);
lambda=2.91193, zero eigenvalue is -8.0532e-10
trivial swibra
Problem directory name: 2ds1
step lambda y-axis residual iter meth ds #-EV
multi continuation step 1
1 2.90211 3.06903 2.44e-09 3 arc 0.01000 1 2
- 1 possible bif between 2.90211 and 2.87921, om=0
mu_r=0.0110718, mu_i=0 - no convergence
2 2.87921 3.05534 3.26e-11 4 arc 0.02000 1 2
- 1 possible bif between 2.87921 and 2.849, om=0
mu_r=-7.27079e-07, mu_i=0
3 2.87208e+00 (BP, saved to 2ds1/bpt1.mat) bisection steps 15, last ds -1.52588e-07
4 2.84900 3.03196 2.65e-09 4 arc 0.03000 1 2
- 2 possible bif between 2.849 and 2.81972, om=0,0.9375
mu_r=-7.87956e-07, mu_i=0
5 2.83603e+00 (BP, saved to 2ds1/bpt2.mat) bisection steps 15, last ds -1.52588e-07
- also saved to 2ds1/pt5.mat
mu_r=5.00144e-06, mu_i=0.916816
6 2.83897e+00 (HP, saved to 2ds1/hpt1.mat) bisection steps 7, last ds 5.96046e-10
7 2.81972 3.00720 3.93e-10 4 arc 0.04000 1 1
2ndary Bifs
aux=[];; ds=0.1;
p=hoswibra('2ds1','hpt2',ds,para,'2ds1h2',aux); p.hopf.xi=1e-3; p.file.smod=1;; p.sw.verb=2;; p.fuha.blss=@mbel; p.hopf.ilss=0;
tic; p=cont(p,5); toc
Problem directory name: 2ds1h2
real(mu)=-0.00299412, imag(mu)=1.04719
lam=2.81972, om=1.04719, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=19.072
arc.parametr, lambda-guess=2.81981
max|y-u0|=0.744002, res=0.00833061
step lambda y-axis res iter ds T nT
poor solve in mbel, |r|=0.0657236, b(end)=1, iterating, |r|=1.52083e-05
1 2.81452 3.07922 1.452e-11 7 0.10000 6.21445 11 0.03222 0.02698
2 2.81864 3.15265 3.482e-09 2 0.10000 6.21923 11 0.06033 0.05348
3 2.82531 3.22637 7.424e-09 2 0.10000 6.22644 11 0.08016 0.07742
4 2.83441 3.29975 7.021e-11 3 0.10000 6.23520 11 0.08482 0.09772
honloopext: damp alpha=0.25, res=0.000236557, ds=0.1
stepsizecontrol: res=6.84526e-05, reducing ds to 0.05
honloopext: damp alpha=0.25, res=0.000693313, ds=0.05
stepsizecontrol: res=1.4751e-05, reducing ds to 0.025
5 2.83727 3.32136 2.949e-10 3 0.05000 6.23748 11 0.06323 0.09534
Elapsed time is 85.794633 seconds.
plot BD, L^2
bpcmp=9; wnr=3; figure(wnr); clf
plotbraf('2dh1','pt10',3,bpcmp,'cl','r','lwst',2, 'lab',5);
plotbraf('2ds1h2','pt5',3,bpcmp,'cl','m', 'lab',[5],'lwst',2);
xlabel('b'); ylabel('||u||_*');
axis([2.75 2.95 2.9 3.4]); set(gca,'XTick',[2.8 2.9]);
plot solns
plotsolf('2ds1','hpt2',1,1,2); axis image; set(gca,'YTick',[-0.2 0.2]);
plot hopf-solns
hoplotbruf('2dh1','pt5',4,1); pause
hoplotbruf('2ds1h2','pt2',4,1); pause
p=loadp('2ds1h2','pt5'); hoplot(p,1,1); dir='stab1';
p.u(,1); u0=p.u(; p=setfn(p,dir);
ts=[]; t0=0; npp=50; nt=200; pmod=50; smod=5; tsmod=1; nc=0;
Problem directory name: stab1
plot time-series
figure(4); clf; plot(ts(1,:), ts(2,:));
figure(5); clf; plot(ts(1,:), ts(3,:));
set(gca,'FontSize',p.plot.fs); axis tight;
xlabel('t'); ylabel('||u(t)-u_0||_{\infty}');
soln plot
dir='stab1'; si=0; incr=50; nt=1*npp/smod; wnr=2; cmp=1; pstyle=2;
ind=si:incr:7*incr; lay=[4 2]; notic=1;
p=loadp('2ds1h2','pt5'); mov=homov(p,1,1); movie2avi(mov,'m1.avi');