clear all; close all; format compact; clear classes;
init and find HBPs
ndim=3; dir='hom3d'; p=[]; lx=pi; nx=20;
par=[5; 1; 0.1; -1; 1];
p=cGLinit(p,lx,nx,par,ndim); p=setfn(p,dir); p.sw.bifcheck=2;;; p=cont(p,20);
first res=0
Problem directory name: hom3d
step lambda y-axis residual iter meth ds #-EV
0 got first point with lam=5, res=0
- now lam=5.01
1 got second point with lam=5.01, res=0
2 5.11001 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.10000 0
3 5.31003 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.20000 0
- 1 possible bif between 5.31003 and 5.71006, om=0
mu_r=0.000321923, mu_i=-1
4 5.70030e+00 (HP, saved to hom3d/hpt1.mat) bisection steps 10, last ds 0.000195313
5 5.71006 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.40000 0
- 1 possible bif between 5.71006 and 6.1101, om=0
mu_r=-0.00983524, mu_i=-1 - no convergence
6 6.11010 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.40000 2
- 1 possible bif between 6.1101 and 6.91017, om=0
mu_r=-0.000687475, mu_i=-1
7 6.57655e+00 (HP, saved to hom3d/hpt2.mat) bisection steps 10, last ds -0.000390625
8 6.91017 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.80000 4
9 7.71024 0.000e+00 0.00e+00 0 nat 0.80000 4
hoswibra and cont of Hopf branches
para=4; ds=0.1; aux=[];; figure(2); clf;
for bnr=1:2
switch bnr
case 1; p=hoswibra('hom3d','hpt1',ds,para,'3db1',aux);
case 2; p=hoswibra('hom3d','hpt2',ds,para,'3db2',aux);
p.hopf.jac=1;; p.hopf.xi=5e-3; p.file.smod=5;
p.fuha.blss=@mbel;; p.hopf.ilss=0;
t1=tic; p=cont(p,10); toc(t1)
Problem directory name: 3db1
real(mu)=0.000321923, imag(mu)=1
lam=5.7003, om=1, NF-coeffis: dlam=-1, alpha=13.2968
arc.parametr, lambda-guess=5.70012
max|y-u0|=1.04754, res=0.00094573
step lambda y-axis res iter ds T nT
1 5.70058 0.00468 7.905e-10 3 0.20000 6.49842 11 0.00204 -0.00315
poor solve in mbel, |r|=127.377, b(end)=1, iterating, |r|=3.88429e-05
2 5.69750 0.04122 1.943e-11 2 0.40000 6.50043 11 0.01804 -0.02750
poor solve in mbel, |r|=0.679438, b(end)=1, iterating, |r|=5.17443e-05
3 5.67730 0.11426 5.801e-11 2 0.40000 6.51413 11 0.05062 -0.07217
poor solve in mbel, |r|=1.05938, b(end)=1, iterating, |r|=1.07788e-05
4 5.64137 0.18712 2.517e-10 2 0.40000 6.54113 11 0.08463 -0.10470
poor solve in mbel, |r|=14.1438, b(end)=1, iterating, |r|=2.27478e-06
5 5.59637 0.25978 4.462e-10 2 0.40000 6.58206 11 0.12021 -0.11589
plot BD, L^2
bpcmp=9; figure(3); clf;
plotbraf('3db2','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10, 'cl','b');
axis([5.5 7 0 0.8]); xlabel('r'); ylabel('||u||_*');
plot BD, T
bpcmp=6; pstyle=3; figure(3); clf;
plotbraf('3db2','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10, 'cl','b');
axis([5.5 7 6.4 7.2]); xlabel('r'); ylabel('T');
soln plot with custom layout (slice-plot at t=0, T/2)
aux=[]; aux.lay=[1 2]; aux.pind=[1 6]; aux.pstyle=1;
aux.ztics=[-0.5 0.5]; hoplotf('3db2','pt10',1,1,aux);
aux.pstyle=2; hoplotf('3db2','pt10',1,1,aux);
p=loadp('3db2','pt10'); mov=homov3d(p,1,1,aux);