init, and find bifpoints from trivial branch
ndim=2; dir='tr'; p=[]; lx=pi; nx=30; par=-0.3 ; % r p=rotinit(p,nx,par); p=setfn(p,dir); p.sol.ds=0.05;;;; % a rather large mu2 ...;; % rather large, i.e., many biscetions for localization
inires=0 first res=0 Problem directory name: tr
first 6 branches;
this may take some time; you might want to change bnr=1:6 to, e.g.,bnr=1;
para=4; ds=0.2; dsmax=1; xi=1e-2; nsteps=10; figure(2); clf; aux=[];; for bnr=1:6 switch bnr case 1; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt1',ds,para,'h1',aux); case 2; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt2',ds,para,'h2',aux); case 3; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt3',0.3,para,'h3',aux); case 4; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt4',ds,para,'h4',aux); case 5; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt5',ds,para,'h5',aux); case 6; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt6',ds,para,'h6',aux); end p.hopf.xi=xi; p.hopf.jac=1;; p.fuha.blss=@mbel;; p.hopf.ilss=0; % set to 0 if no ilupack p.usrlam=[]; tic; p=cont(p,nsteps); toc end
Problem directory name: h1 real(mu)=-1.88314e-08, imag(mu)=0.968107 lam=-0.210316, om=0.968107, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=21.8082 arc.parametr, lambda-guess=-0.20864 max|y-u0|=0.959237, res=0.000941571 step lambda y-axis res iter ds T nT 1 -0.21030 0.00233 3.650e-13 4 0.40000 6.71247 11 -0.00008 0.00075 2 -0.20843 0.02690 1.546e-10 2 0.80000 6.71226 11 -0.00095 0.00858 3 -0.19564 0.07600 2.510e-10 2 0.80000 6.71092 11 -0.00231 0.02301 4 -0.17212 0.12487 4.833e-10 2 0.80000 6.70873 11 -0.00309 0.03545 5 -0.13917 0.17341 2.201e-10 2 0.80000 6.70606 11 -0.00354 0.04675 6 -0.09736 0.22169 5.390e-11 2 0.80000 6.70309 11 -0.00385 0.05770 7 -0.04682 0.26977 3.032e-11 2 0.80000 6.69991 11 -0.00410 0.06863 8 0.01250 0.31771 2.351e-11 2 0.80000 6.69655 11 -0.00428 0.07961 9 0.08062 0.36556 1.086e-10 2 0.80000 6.69306 11 -0.00442 0.09063 10 0.15758 0.41330 2.154e-11 2 0.80000 6.68950 11 -0.00448 0.10164 Elapsed time is 309.851343 seconds. Problem directory name: h2 real(mu)=2.76482e-08, imag(mu)=0.966821 lam=-0.141407, om=0.966821, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=19.2416 ...
BD, L^2
bpcmp=5; figure(3); clf; plotbraf('tr','pt30',3,bpcmp,'cl','k'); plotbraf('h1','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','b'); plotbraf('h2','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','r'); plotbraf('h3','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','m'); plotbraf('h4','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','b'); plotbraf('h5','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','r'); plotbraf('h6','pt10',3,bpcmp,'lab',10,'cl','m'); axis([-0.3 0.65 0 0.5]); xlabel('r'); ylabel('||u||_*');
soln plot, here use specialized 'hoplot' !
pstyle=2; hoplotrotf('h1','pt10',4,1,pstyle); pause; hoplotrotf('h2','pt10',4,1,pstyle); pause; hoplotrotf('h3','pt10',4,1,pstyle); pause; hoplotrotf('h4','pt10',4,1,pstyle); pause; hoplotrotf('h5','pt10',4,1,pstyle); pause; hoplotrotf('h6','pt10',4,1,pstyle);
lam=0.157575 lam=0.171211 lam=0.171849 lam=0.137831 lam=0.784676 lam=0.466021
p=loadp('h3','pt10'); hoplotrot(p,1,1,2); dir='stab3'; p.u(,1); u0=p.u(; p=setfn(p,dir); ts=[]; t0=0; npp=40; pmod=50; smod=5; tsmod=1; nc=0;
Problem directory name: stab3
call tint and plot time-series
nt=200; [p,t0,ts,nc]=hotintxs(p,u0,t0,ts,npp,nt,nc,tsmod,pmod,smod,@nodalf,1); figure(4); clf; plot(ts(1,:), ts(2,:)); % point-vals figure(5); clf; plot(ts(1,:), ts(3,:)); % difference in norm set(gca,'FontSize',p.plot.fs); axis tight; %axis([0 10*p.hopf.T 0 1.3]); xlabel('t'); ylabel('||u(t)-u_0||_{\infty}');
soln snapshots of time integration
dir='stab3'; si=0; incr=70; nt=1*npp/smod; wnr=2; cmp=2; pstyle=2;
ind=si:incr:11*incr; lay=[2 6]; notic=1;
plot Hopf initial guesses
aux=[];; aux.lay=[1 3]; aux.pind=[1 4 7]; aux.xtics=[]; aux.ytics=[]; aux.cb=1; para=3; p=hoswibra('tr','hpt2',0.1,para,'du1',aux); hoplot(p,1,1,aux); pause p=hoswibra('tr','hpt3',0.1,para,'du1',aux); hoplot(p,1,1,aux);
Problem directory name: du1 real(mu)=2.76482e-08, imag(mu)=0.966821 lam=-0.141407, om=0.966821, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=19.2416 nat.parametr, lambda-guess=-0.0414069 Problem directory name: du1 real(mu)=1.90013e-08, imag(mu)=0.964578 lam=-0.0439291, om=0.964578, NF-coeffis: dlam=1, alpha=18.4737 nat.parametr, lambda-guess=0.0560709
contour plots at Bif
close all; hospatplot('tr','hpt2',6,1,0);
lam=-0.141407, real(mu)=2.76482e-08, imag(mu)=0.966821
other plots at Bif
lam=-0.0439291, real(mu)=1.90013e-08, imag(mu)=0.964578
make movie of last points on h2-h6:
p1=loadp('h1','pt10'); p2=loadp('h2','pt10'); p3=loadp('h3','pt10'); p4=loadp('h4','pt10'); p5=loadp('h5','pt10'); p6=loadp('h6','pt10'); cnr=1; wnr=4; figure(4); pause; mov=homovplot5(p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,cnr,wnr); movie2avi(mov,'m5.avi'); % on linux: convert with avconv -i m5.avi -q 10 -vf 'setpts=8*PTS' m5.ogv