Movies corresponding to Figures 3,5,6,10,11,12,16,19 and 21 of
Numerical results for snaking of patterns over patterns in some 2D Selkov-Schnakenberg Reaction-Diffusion systems
Hannes Uecker and Daniel Wetzel, 2013, Preprint

Figure 3: Basic bifurcation diagram over a 2x2 domain

Figure 5: Bifurcation of localized patterns from the hot beans

Figure 6: Bifurcations from the hl branch in Figure 5

Figure 10: Localized cold patterns, without observable snaking

Figure 11: Fully localized cold hexagons over homogeneous background

Figure 12: "Sideband patterns"

Figure 16: 1D snaking for the modified Schnakenberg model

Figure 19: Bifurcation of hexagons over radial stripes from radial stripes

Figure 21: Fully localized hexagons over straight stripes