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command templates for Rayleigh-Benard; run cell-by-cell;


This is a script file.


 command templates for Rayleigh-Benard; run cell-by-cell; 
 note that these commands already incorporate some knowledge 
 like approximate location of Bif. points and occurrence 
 of imperfect pitchfork, which has been found before (by toying 
 around with pde2path)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % command templates for Rayleigh-Benard; run cell-by-cell;
0002 % note that these commands already incorporate some knowledge
0003 % like approximate location of Bif. points and occurrence
0004 % of imperfect pitchfork, which has been found before (by toying
0005 % around with pde2path)
0006 close all; clear all; 
0007 %% some steps to get first Bif-point
0008 ns=[]; ns=rbconvinit(ns); ns=cont(ns);
0009 % for speedup, 'jump' to near next Bif-point
0010 ns.lam=771; ns.ds=0.1; ns=cont(ns); 
0011 %% bifurcating branches, use pmcont for speedup
0012 ns1=swibra('ns','bp1','ns1');ns1.ds=2;ns1=pmcont(ns1);
0013 ns2=swibra('ns','bp2','ns2');ns2.ds=2;ns2=pmcont(ns2);
0014 %% Plot Bif. diagram
0015 figure(3);clf;cmp=1;
0016 plotbra(ns,3,cmp,'lw',6,'ms',10,'cl','b');
0017 plotbra(ns1,3,cmp,'ms',10,'cl','r','lab',10);
0018 plotbra(ns2,3,cmp,'ms',10,'cl','k','lab',8);
0019 axis([739 940 0 3]); xlabel('R'); ylabel('max\psi');
0020 %% plot solutions
0021 p1=loadp('ns1','p10','p1'); 
0022 p2=loadp('ns2','p8','p1'); 
0023 arrowplot(p1,8,1); arrowplot(p2,9,1); 
0024 %%  stress-free boundary conditions, trivial branch
0025 sf=[];sf=rbconvinit_stressfree(sf);
0026 sf.lam=665.5;sf=cont(sf); sf.lam=761;sf=cont(sf); 
0027 %% first bifurcating branch,
0028 sf1=swibra('sf','bp1','sf1');sf1.ds=2;df1.nsteps=10; sf1=pmcont(sf1); 
0029 %% second bifurcating branch
0030 sf2=swibra('sf','bp2','sf2');
0031 sf2.ds=2;sf2.lammax=845;sf2=pmcont(sf2); % stop before pitchfork
0032 sf2.ds=1;sf2.dsmax=2;sf2.lammax=900;sf2.nsteps=50;sf2=cont(sf2);
0033 %% Switch to disconnected branch by time-integration:
0034 p=sf2;p=resetc(p); r=resi(p,p.u,p.lam); Gu=getGu(p,p.u,p.lam,r); 
0035 [K,MId]=assema(p.points,p.tria,0,1,zeros(p.neq,1)); 
0036 [phi1,mu1]=eigs(Gu,MId,1,0,p.evopts);
0037 p1=p;p1.u=p.u+0.01*phi1/norm(phi1);
0038 p1=tint(p1,0.1,400,50); 
0039 %% Now continue from p1
0040 sf3=p1; sf3.restart=1; sf3.ds=-sf3.ds; sf3.lammax=sf3.lammax+2; 
0041 sf3.bifchecksw=0;sf3.dlammax=10;sf3.nsteps=100;sf3=cont(sf3);
0042 %% Plot Bif Diagram
0043 clf(3);cmp=1;
0044 plotbra(sf,3,cmp,'lw',5,'ms',10,'cl','b');
0045 plotbra(sf1,3,cmp,'ms',10,'cl','r','lab',40,'inc',40); 
0046 plotbra(sf2,3,cmp,'ms',10,'cl','k','lab',[30 60]);
0047 plotbra(sf3,3,cmp,'ms',10,'cl','b','lab',65,'inc',65);
0048 axis([660 920 0 3]); xlabel('R'); ylabel('max\psi');
0049 %% Plot solutions
0050 p1=loadp('sf1','p40','p1'); p2=loadp('sf2','p20','p2'); 
0051 p3=loadp('sf2','p60','p3'); p4=loadp('sf3','p65','p4'); 
0052 arrowplot(p1,8,1); arrowplot(p2,9,1); 
0053 arrowplot(p3,10,1); arrowplot(p4,11,1); 
0054 %% other useful stuff
0055 sf=loadp('sf','p12','sf');
0056 sf1=loadp('sf1','p20','sf1');
0057 sf2=loadp('sf2','p71','sf2');
0058 sf3=loadp('sf3','p85','sf3');

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