function p=bratuinit(p) 
% init-routine 
p=stanparam(p); % set standard parameters, usually call this first
p.neq=1; p.f=@bratuf; p.jac=@bratujac; % the coefficients and the jacobian
[p.geo,bc]=recnbc1(0.5,0.5); % geometry and boundary conditions 
p.bcf=@(p,u,lam) bc; % define dummy BC functions (as BC are fixed)
nx=20;p=stanmesh(p,nx,nx); % rectangular mesh 
p=setbmesh(p); % set current mesh as 'base mesh' for adaption 
p.maxt=2*p.nt; % usual goal for mesh-adaption 
pre=sprintf('%s',inputname(1)); p=setfn(p,pre); % set filenames  
p.tau=zeros(p.neq*,1); p.tau(1)=1; % init first tangent 
p.xi=1/; % and set xi to its standard value 
p.pstyle=1;; % mesh-plot as standard, colormap for 3D surf plot
p.nsteps=50; p.dsmax=1; % number of steps and maximal stepsize 
p.dlammax=0.02; % maximal stepsize in lambda; 
p.lammin=0.05;  % minimal lambda, used as stopping criterion
p.lam=0.2; % starting point in lam, and in u:; 
p.u=0.1*ones(,1);p.ds=0.05;  % u on lower homogen. branch 
% next (and final) steps not necessary but good practice to assess 
% quality of initial guess and provide first point on branch
res=norm(resi(p,p.u,p.lam), p.normsw); % calculate first residual 
fprintf('initial res=%g\n',res); % and print it 
[p.u,p.res,p.iter]=nlooppde(p,p.u,p.lam); % correct initial guess 
fprintf('first res=%g with %i iterations\n',p.res,p.iter); % and inform user 