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Index for p2plib

Matlab files in this directory:

 asknulittle function to ask user for number, with default
 askslittle function to ask user for number, with default
 assemadvassemble K for advective terms.
 assemadv1assemble advection matrix for scalar problem
 belbordered elim after govaerts
 bellssbordered elimination lss after govaerts; p.blss syntax interface
 belpobordered elim +1 after govaerts'90
 belpolssbordered elimination plus one lss after govaerts; p.blss syntax interface
 bgradu2finclude b grad u into f for error-est and mesh-adapt.
 bifdetecCheck for change of sign(det(A)). If yes, locate bif-point and save.
 boundarymatrixb = boundarymatrix([arglist]) by Pruefert
 bssbordered system solution after govaerts
 cfailconvergence failure handling.
 contmain cont. routine for -div(c grad u)+au-f-b grad u=0,
 errcheckcompute a posteriori error estimate
 findbiffind bifpoint starting at p such that ineg=p.ineg+ichange.
 getGlamcalc Glam
 getGucalc G_u
 getdercalc Gu, Glam depending on p.jsw;
 getkeyGETKEY - get a single keypress
 getlabsget label list from dir pre
 getmaxlabget maximal label in dir pre
 gnbcgeneralized Neumann BC: generate q,g in form for pdetoolbox
 gnbcsgeneralized Neumann BC: generate q,g, string allowed
 iblssIterativeBorderedLinearSystemSolver, template for customization by user
 ilssLinearSystemSolver, template for customization by user
 inistepinitial step in cont; yields first 2 points on branch and first tangent
 isocGenerates pdetoolbox c-tensor for the isotropic case
 jaccheckcompare numerical and assembled Jacobian; useful to check coding, timing,
 l1norml1 norm of u, nodal and scalar, i.e., size(u)=np x 1
 loadpload point from pre/fname.mat
 meshadaadapt mesh for pde in struct. p, called by meshadac,
 meshadacadapt mesh after Coarsening, i.e. first interpol to (coarse) standard-mesh, then adapt
 meshcheckcheck if FEM-solution is converged to PDE-solution by refining mesh
 meshrefadapt (i.e., refine locally) mesh
 movedatadirsmove data directories from subdirs of appdir to backdir (for cleanup!)
 mypausealternative pause
 n2triamatcompute transf.-matrix from nodal values to triangle centers values
 newbmeshbuild new base mesh
 newmeshbuild new mesh and interpolate (u,tau) to it
 nloopextnewton loop (with damping parameter alpha) for extended system
 nlooppdenewton-loop (with damping parameter alpha) for pde alone,
 p2interpolinterpolate u def. on x,y to new mesh given in xn,yn
 plotbraplot branch, with diverse optional arguments
 plotbrafplot branch from file, optional arguments as in plotbra
 ploterrplot err-estimate over xc (typically xc=2, i.e. lambda)
 plotsolplot component cnr of solution p.u in struct p to window wnr
 plotsolfplot component cnr of solution in file pre/sfname.mat to window wnr
 plottaufplot tangent from pre/sfname.mat
 pmcontparallel multi continuation routine
 pmnewtonloopparallel newtonloops called from pmcont
 polygongg = polygong(pointlist) or g = polygong(xlist,ylist) by Pruefert
 recprovide rectangle-geometry in pdetoolbox-form
 recdbc1rectangle with DBC for 1 component (scalar), ssc=stiff-spring constant
 recnbc1rectangle with NBC, 1 component (scalar)
 recnbc2rectangle with Neumann BC, 2 components
 resetcreset counters in p and clear p.branch, p.bifvals
 resicompute residual for -div(c grad u)+au-f-b grad u=0,
 resinjresidual, called in numerical G_u via numjac, dummy interface
 rmdatadirsremove data directories from subdirs of appdir (a cleanup tool)
 rmlocdirsremove data directories from current dir (a cleanup tool)
 setbmeshreset basemesh to current mesh
 setfnset filenames according to name of p or varargin
 setpde2pathset path for pde2path, version in pde2p (mainly here for m2html)
 sgndetAcompute sign(detA) from data in p
 spcalccalculate p.neig EVals of Gu closest to 0. Return them sorted wrt real parts,
 specGucomputes and plots neig eigenvalues nearest to origin in figure p.ifig
 sscontrolstepsize control.
 stanbrastandard function for output to bifurcation diagram
 stanheadfustandard "head function" called at start of cont/pmcont
 stanmeshgenerate mesh, 2 possible calls
 stanparamset almost everything (except, e.g., p.f and p.jac) to 'standard' values
 stanufustandard "user function" called after each cont.step
 swibraload data from file pre/fname and attempt branch switch,
 tinttime integration
 triarrow-vector of triangle areas from pdetrg
 triintintegrate u over Omega given by p(oints) and t(riangles)
 xinormcompute xi-norm of z

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